Selasa, 12 Februari 2019

Integration between Faith and Knowledge as Basic Character of Young Generation to Against Terrorism

Nowadays, terrorism is a great issue which attracts the world’s concern. Many terrors happened, many people were killed. These terrors not only happened in Middle East, but also in other continents like America, Europe, and Africa.
Some of the terrorists are young-aged. They are the best targets for recruitment, especially if they only have a little knowledge about their own religion or mental illness. We can see some young terrorist cases. For example, a 22 years old American guy is sentenced for 12 years and three Somali-American guys (one of them is 21 years old and the rest are 22 years old) were found guilty and they are about to get a life sentence as all of them tried to travel to Syria to join ISIS according to New York Times.
Terrorism has a great impact for stability of country, especially if the youth in that country become terrorist. This is a miserable thing, since the youth represents future generation. A country really needs the youth to keep its existence. If a country has good young people, it will be a good country as well, but if the young people are bad, the country will be bad too.
In order to fight against terrorism, the young generation should strengthen their faith. However, a faith without knowledge is a blind faith, which is commonly found in terrorism. For example, the terrorists are distorting the meaning of “jihad”, as they have little understanding of jihad, which is taught in Islam. Jihad refers to the religious duty of Muslims to maintain the religion, not to kill people which have other beliefs.
Because of this, many non-Muslim people always link Islam with terrorism, even Muslims linked other Muslims that grow a beard, use trousers without close the ankle, since most terrorists have that kind of appearance. However, terrorists are not just Muslim people, but there are another non-Muslims terrorist too. It is because the media focuses on the Muslim terrorist.
Knowledge without faith is also lame. Some of the terrorists were smart when they were in university, but they joined a terrorist group because they got convinced by some doctrines in a wrong way, which they don’t know well. They are used to make bombs and stuffs using their ability.
These people see everything in the perspective of existence, not the spiritual perspective, which makes them forget why they were created and who they are. This way, they got knowledge about materials quantitatively, but with a lack of quality.
Based on that, there is an interrelationship between faith and knowledge. Faith needs knowledge and knowledge needs faith, even though faith and knowledge have clear borders. Faith and knowledge are two important things for young generation to live their life well, as an individual, citizen, and God’s creature. Faith has the role of guiding humans to get their purpose in life, but faith is learned through knowledge, which can be a way to be used to get it. Knowledge only be obtained by people that are inspired by truth and understanding. Those people are faithful.
Therefore, if the young generation already integrated faith and knowledge in their life, they could use them as a tool to attack terrorism. Firstly, they could make a campaign about the danger of terrorism in social media. Secondly, using the community to spread positive impacts without being racist, as most of the source of terrorism is a racist thing. Thirdly, avoiding to be a generation of loners, in order to prevent the recruitment of terrorism, which prefers the unstable young people. Lastly, being fully committed to have the roles and responsibilities of maintaining the unity and honor of the nation, for that the young generation is called as the agent of change and social control.

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