Minggu, 26 Mei 2019

ALARA - The Principle of a Respectful Healthcare Environment

The term of ‘trust’ is derived from Old Norse word “traust” which means “belief, security, and assertiveness”. Trust is a permanent concept – someone who earn the trust is usually trusted for life, until that person destroys it and will takes a long time to get it back.
Trust goes hand in hand with respect. Respect is a term that defines the appreciation for an entity or person. Basically, respecting someone means considering and believing them as someone great or highly valued.
In a work environment, especially in healthcare, trust and respect are foundations of building great relationships and the employees need a bit more effort in order to earn and maintain them.
Hence, we proposed few steps in a principle called ALARA (Aim, Learn, Active, Responsible, and Assertive), which will be portrayed digitally in photo essay.
1.     Aim. The employees should have a clear aim in their work and aligned with the healthcare's vision and mission.
2.   Learn. The employees should learn new things, such as learning the technology that is currently in trend or related to their work field.
3.     Active. The employees should be active to express their ideas in a meeting. Ethics in speaking also must be considered.
4.     Responsible. The employees should be responsible for every action and its outcome. Putting off responsibility to others will ruin the efforts to build trust.
5.  Assertive. Assertive means defending rights fairly. The employees who are assertive shows respect for themselves and others. Self interest and dignity are protected without injuring the honor and rights of others.
Based on ALARA principle, the expected result is there will be a significant increase in work performance, which lead to the great relationships among the employees or between the employees and leaders, in order to make a respectful work environment. 

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