Senin, 15 Juli 2019

The Distortion and Halo Effects

We have a tendency to perceive events that have already occurred or facts that have already been established as obvious and predictable things, despite the lack of sufficient initial information to predict them. How does it work? Whatever happens, nothing should ever take us by surprise – we can't look like fools, so we prefer to edit our memories. Soon, there is a situation that we would prefer to know in advance. We do not...
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Senin, 08 Juli 2019

The Lantern (офонареть)

        Today, the jargon word "lantern" is synonymous with "freaking  out", "fooling", etc. Until 1730, Moscow plunged into the darkness  and was empty with dusk – walking in the dark was forbidden by a  special decree. Only the royal palaces and the houses of officials  were illuminated by lanterns with a candle or oiled wick. However, in November 1730, General...
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